How a Svengers T-shirt Taught a Lesson in Gratefulness

I am a lover of all things schnauzer! We have 2 miniature schnauzers named Zelda and Fitz. Since David and I didn’t have any children together, these are our babies. 

I am also a Marvel nerd. I love all Marvel movies no matter how cheesy or bad they may be, and if they are good then it’s a bonus! 

When these two things collided, I was excited! Enter the ad I saw for a Svengers T-shirt. Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, and Nick Fury were portrayed as schnauzers! What more could a girl ask for? Or so I thought.

My next course of action was to tag David in the post that had the link to purchase said shirt. I know my husband well enough that if I really want something he will do his best to make it happen. So much so that I have to guard my words or he would work his hiney off to have the ability to get me whatever I want. This was not an expensive item so I tagged away. He commented that I didn’t really need the shirt, so I contemplated about purchasing it myself. I am less of a spender than David. Consequently, I didn’t buy it for myself and proceeded on with my life.

Last night David walked in the front door after work and handed me a small package. I opened it and was thrilled to see he purchased the Svengers shirt for me! At least for a moment. Then I started picking it apart. It wasn’t the type of material I usually buy. It wasn’t the right size for the style. It wasn’t the color I wanted. (My favorite color is blue and he bought me the blue one. How dare he!) And then I had the NERVE to say from now on if he’s going to buy a T-shirt for me off the internet he should get with me first so he orders the correct item. Yes, I know. I’m cringing now just writing this at how ungrateful I actually sounded. In my mind at the time I was thinking I was being “helpful”. I probably went on for 10-15 minutes about how it was the wrong shirt. He even told me maybe we could return it and get the correct shirt for me. He didn’t say you ungrateful person that’s the last thing I will buy for you. He actually wanted to fix this for me. My wonderful, loving husband ignored the tantrum I was throwing and wanted to make me happy…think on that for a moment. 

How many times are we unhappy with the way our husband or wife does something for us? How should we respond when something just doesn’t quite measure up? Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about being thankful.

The book of Ruth has always been one of my favorite books. In fact I always felt like David was my Boaz. There are a couple of instances I want to point out. After Naomi’s husband and sons died, her daughters in-law were headed back to Israel with her. They had stayed with Naomi in order to help her. She told them to head back to their land and left them with this blessing, “May the Lord reward you for your kindness.” (Ruth 1:8) Ruth, however, refused to leave her mother in-law. She felt she needed to take care of her. She went so far as to glean heads of grain in the field of Boaz. He took notice of what she did for her mother in-law and also pronounced a blessing on her. “May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done.” (Ruth 2:12) Additionally, you will find many blessings in the Bible that were spoken over different people at different times. God’s people were to be thankful for one another.

How much different is it today? We as God’s people should be thankful for one another and openly show our gratitude as well as pronounce blessings over one another. In a world filled with gift receipts in case someone doesn’t like your gift and registries that make sure the right gifts are purchased, we are to stand out and be a light to others by being grateful for everything given to us. Now don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against gift receipts and I am a huge fan of registries because I dislike shopping and this makes it easier for me. But I remember as a child how my parents taught me the simple act of being grateful for whatever was given to me. I thought I had learned that lesson well…until last night. 

This morning as I began to think about the words I spoke the night before, something inside me winced at my ugly comments. I went to retrieve the offensive T-shirt and put it back on. David was right. The blue was a much better choice than the black I would have purchased for myself. The fit wasn’t as bad as I had previously imagined. It was actually really cute! I’m wearing it right now as I write this.

Then it was time to eat crow. I picked up my phone and sent a text to David thanking him for the T-shirt and how much I really liked it. I relayed how he made the better choice of color and fit than I originally thought and how I couldn’t wait to wear it to see Avengers: Endgame. I apologized for the negative comments I spoke and the ungrateful attitude I had displayed. He, being the generous person he is, accepted my apology and thanked me for the change in my attitude. 

I am so very thankful that God placed David in my life and can’t imagine living without him. God reminded me that I should not just think this, but actually LIVE it. I want to challenge you to do the same. Be open with your gratitude. We are not promised tomorrow and today may be the last chance you have to show those you love how much you appreciate them.

I needed this lesson in gratefulness that came about all because of a Svengers T-shirt.