It’s a Wonderful New Year

As we get ready for a new year and a new decade I can’t help but think back over this roller coaster of a year. It started off great! Then went downhill, back up, back down again, back up…well you get the picture.

I started off with this blog and did well for a while. David and I had good times and bad, but I found it harder to write about the good times. Why do we always seem to wait for the other shoe to drop? Maybe it’s just human nature or maybe if we don’t expect too much we won’t be disappointed as much. We don’t live freely in the good times because we’re waiting for the next calamity to hit us. And that can paralyze and alienate us.

As we finish off this year I find myself in sort of a weird place mentally and emotionally. I began seeing a counselor to help sort through the chaos that is my brain. David has been gracious through it all. He’s been supportive in words, prayer, and deeds through all my crazy. And therein lies the true meaning of a wonderful marriage. 

To have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, til death do us part. We recite these words at the very beginning of our marriage, yet do we really mean them? Do we truly know what we are saying? When the first big disagreement or disappointment happens do we stand by our vows? Do we love and cherish all that is our spouse?

Back to not expecting too much so as not to be disappointed. Dear friends, how about in this coming year we throw ourselves with abandon into our marriages and our lives? At the end of our days will our biggest regret be that we lived life to our fullest? I think not! I believe as 2020 is on the horizon it’s time to take back our lives. Expect the unexpected and so what if we’re disappointed from time to time? That’s what happens when you fully live. Oh, what a life there is to be had! We can sit on the sidelines waiting for tragedy to strike or we can take the proverbial bull by the horns and live and love like there’s no tomorrow. Because truly we are not promised tomorrow. 

Let that sink in.

In the light of that truth does it matter if your spouse didn’t do something just the way you would have? I mean, are any of us perfect? I’m fairly certain we know the answer to that question. Besides, who said your way was the right or better way? Gasp! Yes, I know it’s hard to believe, but just maybe our husband or wife has a different way of seeing and doing things. More than that they don’t WANT to do things just like we would. Think on that for a minute. That’s the beauty of marriage! God has a way of stretching and perfecting us through our better half. We are all unique. It’s through our differences that we are made whole. Not one person can be everything to everyone. Instead of focusing on our differences this coming year let’s celebrate them!

So as 2020 rolls around, let go of past hurts, failures, and disappointments. Hold onto all the good things that happened. Embrace the possibilities of the future. Live and love to the fullest. Allow God to work in yourself and your marriage like never before. Offer mercy freely to your spouse. Because, my friend, one day you will be in need of that same mercy. I leave you with this blessing: “The LORD bless you, and keep you [protect you, sustain you, and guard you]; The LORD make His face shine upon you [with favor], And be gracious to you [surrounding you with lovingkindness]; The LORD lift up His countenance (face) upon you [with divine approval], And give you peace [a tranquil heart and life].” Numbers‬ ‭6:24-26‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Happy New Year!

2 Replies to “It’s a Wonderful New Year”

  1. You know Dianne this not only applies to married couples. It also applies to our coworkers, bosses, or anyone we come in contact with. To show mercy bc we ALL need mercy and grace!!
    Love you SIS!!

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